A few quick questions with Guy Kawasaki
Guy Kawasaki is a founding partner and entrepreneur-in-residence at Garage Technology Ventures. He is also the co-founder of Alltop.com, an “online magazine rack” of popular topics on the web. Previously, he was an Apple Fellow at Apple Computer, Inc. Guy is the author of eight books including The Art of the Start, Rules for Revolutionaries, How to Drive Your Competition Crazy, Selling the Dream, and The Macintosh Way. He has a BA from Stanford University and an MBA from UCLA as well as an honorary doctorate from Babson College.
Interview Transcript
Eric Enge: You blogged recently about HomeTips.com. You mentioned the focus on “content for homeowners”. What is the lesson for other potential web site publishers?
Guy Kawaski: The message is that the key to traffic is creating good content. I don’t think the keywords in one’s H1, H2, and H3 headlines is nearly as important. My theory of SEO is this: Create great content and Google will find you because that’s what all those PhDs at Google are making their crawlers do.
Eric Enge: Do you have any opinions on the value of Alexa v.s. Compete v.s. comScore?
Guy Kawaski: Alexa is free but as far as I know doesn’t count Firefox and Macintosh owners, so it’s fundamentally not representative of the world. Compete is also free, and I think has a much more sophisticated algorithm that doesn’t require a download and installation. I usually depend on Compete much more because Alexa’s lack of Macintosh coverage morally offends me.
However, the way I use both Alexa and Compete is this: If I’m “buying,” then I use the one with the lower numbers. If I’m “selling,” then I use the one with higher numbers. It’s my PEO (Price Engine Optimization) strategy.
I never use Comscore because I don’t have a subscription to it. For all I know it’s the best source of info, but it’s not something I’m willing to pay for.
Eric Enge: Then do you believe SEO is bull shiittake?
Guy Kawaski: I truly don’t know. If Neil Patel suggests something for my sites, I do it, but as I said, my focus is on good content and sprinkling holy water on my Google doll.
Eric Enge: What are your plans for promoting Truemors and Alltop?
Guy Kawaski: Truemors will either spread because it has good content or it won’t spread. If you search for the stories that we cover, we are often in the first page of Google results. I wish I could tell you that’s because we’ve figured out how to crack the Google SEO nut. No can do. We find good content, post it, and pray.
Alltop is different. When we launch an Alltop category, we contact every site and blog owner in the category and tell them we included the feed. Most of these folks then write a posting about Alltop. This has generated a lot of inbound links. Also, I am amazed by the number of people who put up Alltop badges. That’s helped a lot too.
I just wish that I could tell you that I planned the success of inbound links and badges. No can do! The Internet gods were just looking out for me.
Eric Enge: You wrote recently about how much you liked Website Grader. Why do you like it?
Guy Kawaski: I like Website Grader because it aggregates many metrics. As you can tell from Alltop, I’m into “aggregation without aggravation.” It’s great to go to one place and get everything done. Everybody with a site should get a Website Grader grade.
Eric Enge: What did you learn from the web communities panel that you moderated and the panel with Internet entrepreneurs?
Guy Kawaski: Both panels taught me that these entrepreneurs created cool things and let it rip. There wasn’t a whole lot of analysis and cogitation. I like this theory very much. It’s probably responsible for more successes than the advice of venture capitalists.
The great thing is that it’s so much cheaper to try stupid ideas these days because of products like MySQL, Rails, PHP, and WordPress. Life is good for an entrepreneur these days.
Eric Enge: Can a company form a committee and create a successful innovation?
Guy Kawaski: It’s possible, but not probable. I can’t think of many examples right off the top of my head. As a company gets more “professional” and has “committees,” it gets harder and harder to innovate especially as more and more clueless people who are out of touch with technology rise to management positions.
Eric Enge: How does this compare to the potential success rate of a very small number of people (maybe even 1) pursuing a personal passion?
Guy Kawaski: If I were a betting man—and in a sense that’s what a venture capitalist does, I would always bet on a small team. That’s why my firm is called “Garage” Technology Ventures not “Commercialization” Technology Ventures.
Published: October 14, 2008
Sol Sender interview about Obama logo
Sol Sender, who led the creative development of the Obama ’08 campaign logo, has joined VSA Partners as a strategist. As principal of the design agency Sender LLC, Sender developed the design strategy and directed a team of designers that created the defining symbol of the 2008 campaign.
The Obama ’08 assignment began in late 2006, when Sender’s firm was hired by MODE, a Chicago-based motion design studio with an existing relationship with David Axelrod, the Obama campaign’s chief strategist.
Given two weeks to develop design options, Sender and two designers—Andy Keene and Amanda Gentry—produced multiple logos for consideration by the campaign, including a version of the now-famous “O” mark—a landscape in which of blue and red are united within the candidate’s last-name initial. The team’s refined Obama ‘08 logo made its official debut on February 10, 2007, when (then) Senator Barack Obama announced his candidacy for president in Springfield, Il.
In the video below, Sender tells the story of conception and birth of the Obama ’08 logo, including the strategy behind it, developmental concepts and finalist designs for the identity not chosen by the campaign.
Part 2
Mediul online este cel mai cautat pentru cumparaturi in SUA
Principala categorie de cumparaturi online o reprezinta pachetele turistice - 38% dintre utilizatorii de internet din SUA au facut o achizitie de acest fel in ultimele sase luni. Pe locul doi se afla hainele, cumparate de 28% dintre utilizatori, iar pe locul trei sunt cartile, cumparate de 26% dintre navigatorii pe internet.
Studiul a fost efectuat pe aproximativ 36.000 de utilizatori de internet din SUA, cu varste peste 18 ani.
Paginile de comert online cu cele
Microsoft ajuta startup-urile IT lansand BizSpark
Compania a numit BizSpark “un program construit sa ofere companiilor tinere un ajutor intr-un moment in care creditarea si finantarea se face foarte greu”. De asemenea, ar putea ajuta “semintele” din Silicon Valley cu tehnologie Microsoft si sa creeze viitori clienti pentru producatorul de soft-uri.
Sub acest program, start-up-urile calificate au acces la tehnologia si serviciile Microsoft, cum ar fi SQL Server Enterprise si Windows Server 2008, si un suport de marketing, pentru mai mult de trei ani cu costuri mici sau deloc. De asemenea, Microsoft a lansat BizSpark DB, un site unde start-up-urile se pot prezenta pentru investitori, parteneri si posibili clienti.
Microsoft are nevoie sa se apropie de startup-uri, deoarece noile companii au mai multe optiuni tehnologice ca niciodata.
“Cu trei ani in care afacerile vor functiona fara sa isi puna problema costurilor pentru soft-uri, speram ca acestea sa se poata concentra in ceea ce ne dorim toti, sa construiasca o afacere de succes si sustenabila”, a declarat Dan'l Lewin, presedinte pentru dezvoltarea afacerilor in cadrul Microsoft.
In mijlocul crizei financiare, alti furnizori din IT au nascocit programe cu care clientii pot continua sa acceseze tehnologie.
Pentru a lansa BizSpark, Microsoft a incheiat parteneriate cu grupuri de dezvoltare si investitii, cum ar fi National Venture Capital Association, European Business Angel Network si Indus Entrepreneurs.
Va puteti inscrie de aici http://www.microsoftstartupzone.com/
Articol preluat de pe www.wall-street.ro
Lansare Proiect TineriAntreprenori.ro

Tineriantreprenori.ro, primul program de mentorat pentru viitori antreprenori
Junior Chamber International București, filiala locală a celei mai importante organizații mondiale de tineri antreprenori și tineri manageri (www.jci.cc), pregătește în luna noiembrie 2008, prima ediție a unui program de mentorat pentru viitori antreprenori.
Proiectul se adresează tinerilor, absolvenți de liceu sau de facultate, cu vârste între 18 și 35 de ani, ce au în plan înființarea unei firme în maximum 6 luni de la participarea la program sau care au înființat o firmă cu maximum 6 luni de activitate până la data începerii programului.
Fiecare participant va avea un mentor personal cu care va petrece două săptămâni la biroul acestuia din urmă. Mentorii sunt tineri antreprenori care au înființat în ultimii ani start-upuri de succes în diverse domenii. Lista completă a acestora poate fi găsită la: www.tineriantreprenori.ro/mentori
clip_image002[6]Ideea proiectului a venit după ce am cunoscut mulți tineri care erau la începutul ”carierei” de antreprenori și aveau nevoie de sfaturi și păreri despre diferite aspecte ale unui start-up. Mi-am dat seama în urma întâlnirilor cu aceștia cât este de util să împartășesti din experiența proprie, legată de provocările și dificultățile creșterii unei organizații, unei persoane aflate la început de drumclip_image003[6], declară Tudor Maxim, managerul proiectui-JCI Bucuresti.
Misiunea proiectului este de a contribui la dezvoltarea antreprenoriatului în rândul tinerilor din România și de a-i sprijini pe aceștia în inițiativele lor, prin transfer de know-how, prin mentorat și prin training.
În urma acestui proiect se va crea o rețea de tineri antreprenori ce vor putea continua relația de colaborare inițiată în timpul proiectului.
clip_image002[7]Susținem în cadrul JCI București acest proiect pentru că raspunde cu succes uneia dintre cele 4 directii de dezvoltare declarate in misiunea JCI si anume sustinerea tinerilor antreprenori (celelalte 3 directii fiind: leadeship, dezvoltare personala si CSR) clip_image003[7], adăugă președintele organizației JCI București, Loredana Manolache
Participarea la program este gratuită și este susținută de munca mai multor voluntari din organizațiile partenere. Înscrierile se fac pe blogul proiectului, la adresa www.tineriantreprenori.ro.
Despre organizatori
Inițiatorul proiectului este Junior Chamber Internaţional Bucureşti, parte a Junior Chamber International (JCI). JCI este cea mai mare organizaţie pentru tinerii lideri şi antreprenori din lume, cu o vechime de 64 de ani. Membrii JCI sunt profesionişti şi antreprenori cu vârste cuprinse între 18-40 ani care vor să se dezvolte ca lideri şi să determine schimbări pozitive în societate. JCI are peste 200.000 de membri activi în 115 ţări şi milioane de alumni, care se implică în numeroase proiecte şi programe de dezvoltare. JCI militează pentru implicarea tinerilor în viaţa economică, politică şi socială a comunităţii lor şi realizează proiecte în următoarele domenii: dezvoltare individuală, dezvoltare internaţională, afaceri şi comunitate. Detalii la www.jci.cc.
JCI România există din 2003 și a realizat până în prezent numeroase proiecte, repurtând succese importante în competițiile internaționale, cum ar fi Best Business Plan și Creative Young Entrepreneur și fiind mereu prezentă cu proiecte în conferințele și congresele mondiale și regionale, în cadrul cărora a promovat antreprenoriatul românesc. În prezent, JCI are filiale locale în București, Timișoara, Brașov, Constanța, Iași, Cluj și Lugoj, urmând să lanseze în curând o nouă filială la Sibiu.
Coorganizatorii proiectului sunt organizații importante, studențești și de tineret din România: Advice Students, ASER, Leaders România, VIP România
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Cel.ro penalizat de Google in Serps
Recomandare film
Ce poate fi mai rau pentru un tata decat sa asiste neputincios, prin telefon, la rapirea fiicei sale? Acesta este cosmarul trait de Bryan, fost agent secret, care are la dispozitie numai cateva ore pentru a o salva pe fiica sa, Kim, din mainile unei bande de infractori specializati in trafic de carne vie. Panica creste datorita unui obstacol fundamental: Bryan se afla in Los Angeles, iar Kim in Paris...
Cum sa ne asamblam singuri sistemul
In primul rand sa ne asiguram ca avem toate componentele precum si sculele necesare pentru asamblare. Acestea sunt: o surubelnita in cruce (dimensiune medie), o surubelnita dreapta (dimensiune mica-medie) si un cutter. Apoi scoatem cu atentie toate piesele componente din cutii insa fara a le scoate si din pungile antistatice si indepartam cutiile pentru a avea mai mult spatiu de lucru.
Pasul 1. Procesorul si Placa de Baza
Scoatem cu grija placa de baza din punga protectoare si indepartam orice fel de abtipilde care ar putea fi pe aceasta (bineinteles nu si cele pe care sunt notate seriile) si o punem pe masa de lucru. La fel procedam si cu procesorul dar cu ceva mai multa atentie pentru a nu strica pinii acestuia (precizare : modelele de procesoare Intel pe socket 775 nu au pini, acestia aflandu-se pe placa de baza si fiind la fel de fragili). Acum ne indreptam atentia asupra placii de baza si vom incepe montarea procesorului in socket. Primul lucru pe care il facem este sa ridicam parghia de langa socket pentru a-l debloca apoi indentificam coltul procesorului pe care este desenata o sageata micuta si il aliniem cu sageata desenata pe socket-ul placii de baza. Punem incet procesorul pe socket astfel incat pinii sa intre in socket fara a-l forta. Daca acesta nu intra inseamna ca nu a fost aliniat corespunzator si va trebuii sa verificati din nou colturile marcate. Daca totul este in regula procesorul va intra perfect la locul lui si nu ne ramane decat sa coboram parghia despre care v-am spus mai devreme pentru a-l bloca.
Mai ramane montarea coolerului, care se face in functie de modelul de procesor, la modelele Intel pe socket 775 coolerul se pozitioneaza in gaurile special prevazute din placa de baza si apoi se apasa partea superioara a picioruselor pentru a le bloca in pozitia respectiva, incepand cu cele dinspre interior. La modelele AMD socket 754, 939 si AM2 prinderea se face cu o parghie care se agata de soclul montat pe placa de baza (de regula cu manerul de prindere in partea superioara a placii de baza) si apoi se apasa manerul de prindere pana la blocarea lui in pozitie orizontala. Dupa acestea conectam alimentarea coolerului la cel mai apropiat conector cu 3 sau 4 pini (marcat de obicei CPU FAN).
Pasul 2. Montarea in carcasa
Desfacem cu grija panourile laterale ale carcasei si o asezam pe masa de lucru in pozitie orizontala. Daca nu a fost prevazuta cu sursa acum este momentul sa o montam in locul special prevazut cu ajutorul celor 4 suruburi care se pot gasii in kitul de instalare a carcasei.
Ne asiguram ca partea din spate a carcasei (back-panel) unde o sa fie asezata placa de baza nu este obstructionata de o placuta de metal, daca este o indepartam si instalam noul back panel din cutia placii de baza. Acum este timpul sa instalam distantierele pe placa de baza daca acestea nu sunt deja puse, apoi introducem cu grija placa de baza in interiorul carcasei si o asiguram cu ajutorul suruburilor care nu trebuiesc stranse prea tare, doar suficient pentru a nu permite miscarea.
Acum urmeaza partea putin mai complicata si anume conectarea butoanelor si indicatorilor luminosi ai carcasei. Placile de baza au formate diferite la acest pas si cel mai bine ne uitam in cartea tehnica a placii de baza pentru a vedea ordinea exacta a acestora. Pe fiecare conector al carcasei scrie ce anume este (ex. SPEAKER – difuzor intern, PWR BTN- buton pornire, etc.). Foarte mare atentie la carcasele care au conectori USB si FireWire frontali deoarece o conectare defectuasa poate dauna placii de baza si aparatului pe care il veti conectat pe portul acela frontal. Indicatiile specifice placii de baza pe care o aveti le gasiti tot in manualul tehnic mentionat mai sus.
Dupa ce am asigurat placa de baza in carcasa vom putea conecta placile aditionale (placi video, audio, tunere TV, etc.). Acest lucru se face destul de simplu, alegem in ordinea prioritatiilor placa video, verificam cu atentie locul unde va fii pusa si o introducem cu grija in slotul corespunzator (PCI-E x16 sau AGP) dupa ce eliberam in prealabil tablita protectoare de pe spatele carcasei. Odata facuta aceasta operatie asiguram placa video cu un surub in partea de sus pentru a nu permite dislocarea acesteia din slot. La fel procedam si cu orice alte placi aditionale intotdeauna verificand vizual daca placa poate intra in slotul respectiv.
Acum putem monta Hard Disk-ul si unitatea optica. In majoritatea cazurilor unitatea optica se monteaza in lacasele de sus (5,2”) dupa ce in prealabil am inlaturat protectia de plastic a carcasei, iar Hard Disk-ul in partea de jos (3,2”). Ambele componente se asigura cu cel putin cate doua suruburi pe fiecare parte sau, in functie de carcasa, se folosesc clemele de prindere special concepute.
In caz ca va intrebati, nu am uitat de memorie, am preferat sa o lasam mai la urma pentru a facilita montarea restului de componente. Memoria se monteaza foarte usor, intai o aliniem pe slotul pe care dorim sa o instalam si o apasam pentru blocarea in slot, cu mare grija insa, deoarece exista un element de ghidaj pe mijlocul slotului care nu ne permite sa instalam memoriea in sensul incorect. Dupa ce a fost introdusa in slot ne asiguram ca elementele de plastic din capete sunt puse pe pozitia de blocare si nu permit scoaterea accidentala a memoriei.
Pasul 3. Conectarea cablurilor
Cablurile sunt de 4 categorii generale : Cablu de 20 sau 24 pini pentru alimentarea placii de baza, cablu de 4 pini pentru alimentarea procesorului, cabluri pentru alimentare generala si cabluri de alimentare SATA. Pe langa aceste tipuri de cablu mai exista cateva modele pentru alimentarea suplimentara a placii de baza, alimentarea placii video, alimentarea unitatii floppy, etc.
In primul rand conectam cablul de 20 sau 24 pini in slotul corespondent al placii de baza. Cablurile au un mic ghidaj si nu se pot instala decat intr-un singur mod, cel corect. Dupa aceasta conectam cablul de alimentare pentru procesor pe placa de baza si cablurile de alimentare corespunzatoare pentru Hard Disk, unitate optica, floppy, etc. Nu mai avem nevoie decat de cablurile de date ale Hard Disk-ului si unitatii optice care se conecteaza fiecare in slotul specific tipului de conectare (ATA, SATA).
Mai facem o inspecite vizuala a sistemului pentru a fii siguri ca totul este conectat si ventilatoarele nu sunt blocate de cabluri ce trec pe langa ele, apoi putem inchide carcasa.
Pasul 4. Pornirea sistemului
Acum putem conecta sistemul la priza, de preferat o priza cu impamantare, si putem conecta restul cablurilor la calculator. Acestea se conecteaza de regula dupa culoarea fiecarui conector (de ex. mufa placii video - VGA este albastra, la fel ca si conectorul monitorului). Cand ne-am asigurat ca toate mufele sunt bine conectate putem pornii sistemul. Daca totul este in regula pe ecran va incepe derularea normala a sistemului de boot.
Daca la pornire se aud sunete stridente venind dinspre calculator insemana ca ceva nu este in regula si va trebuii sa faceti o inspectie vizuala a componentelor pentru a vedea daca se observa ceva neobisnuit (placi neintroduse in slot, alimentarea procesorului neintrodusa, memoria iesita din locas, coolerul procesorului desprins, etc.).
Spor la asamblat !
Sursa : http://blog.iqmarket.ro/2008/10/cum-sa-ne-asamblam-singuri-sistemul/
Laptopuri cu un consum mic de energie
Dell are in plan un nou proiect prin care toate laptopurile vor avea display-uri cu LED-uri eficiente energetic si care nu contin mercur, ducand la reduceri semnificative de energie.
Laptopurile nu doar ca vor contine mai putine substante toxice, dar vor fi mai usor de reciclat si mai eficiente din punct de vedere energetic, consumand cu 40% mai putina energie.
Primele laptopuri eco vor iesi pe piata incepand cu 15 decembrie, anunta GreenerComputing.
Compania are initiative si in ce priveste eficientizarea hardware-ului sau programele de take-back si reciclare.
The 25 Most Influential People on the Web
7 Small Business Owners who turned into Billionaires
While scanning the list of world’s richest people on Forbes, I was astonished to find a good number of entrepreneurs who started as small business owner but with their hard work and commitment, they managed to get to the top. None of them was born with a golden spoon, it was the sweat, savings, schmoozing, creativity and good luck, which have helped these moguls enjoy the positions they have today.
According to a 2002 U.S. Census Bureau survey representing some 16 million-business owners, which is a whopping 55%, were initially funded by personal and family capital, while 11.4% snagged bank loans and 8.8% got going on personal and business credit cards. These stats clearly prove that we can make big achievements on our own…am I right?
To keep your spirits high and motivated towards your small businesses, I bring you a list of seven world-beating entrepreneurs who turned their small business ventures into vast empires.
Let’s get inspired!
1: John Catsimatidis
Owner of the Red Apple Group and aspiring Mayor of New York City.
Age: 59
Net Worth: $2.1 billion
Industry: Supermarkets, Real Estate, Oil
Success Story: He was a son of a kitchen helper who entered the grocery industry in the summer of 1966 after graduating from a high school. Working for an owner of a Manhattan super market, he started taking on more responsibilities.
Four years later, the owner offered him a 50% stake in one of his forthcoming stores over the next 10 months at a rate of $1,000 per month. Within a few months, the store’s sales doubled, and Catsimatidis was earning a profit of $500 per week (not bad for a 20-year-old back then). By charming the vendors to let him buy on credit a year later he managed to launch the Red Apple Group, a chain of grocery stores that now includes Gristede’s, Sloan’s and Red Apple. By the age of 25, he owned 10 stores, all debt-free.
2: Harold Hamm
Chairman and chief executive officer Continental Resources & Hiland Holdings
Age: 62
Net Worth: $4.4 billion
Industry: Oil and Gas exploration
Success Story:Harold Hamm was youngest of 13 children to a couple of working as cotton pickers from Purcell, Okla. He worked school jobs as a gas station attendant to supplement his parents’ incomes. In 1966, two years after graduating from high school, for the first time Hamm stepped in a business deal. With a bank loan co-signed by a friend, he purchased a single truck, the main asset of a new oil-and-gas exploration-services business. Two years later, the company changed its name to Continental Resources. Hamm now owns 72% of the outstanding shares in the New York Stock Exchange.
3: Oprah Winfrey
A renowned producer, magazine owner and TV host
Age: 54
Net Worth: $2.5 billion
Industry: Media/Entertainment
Success Story:The accidental daughter of two Mississippi teenagers, Winfrey faced poverty and physical abuse from an early age. She won speech making and beauty contests and eventually earned a scholarship to Tennessee State University. She was the first black female news anchor at Nashville’s WLAC-TV and at 29, she was contracted to host a Chicago morning television show called AM Chicago, later re-named The Oprah Winfrey Show. This owner of Harpo Studios, producer of films and TV shows like Dr. Phil show and the Rachel Ray show was a millionaire by age 32. Other Oprah ventures include the cable television network Oxygen (purchased in 2007 by NBC for $925 million) and publications O, The Oprah Magazine and O at Home.
4: Sandy Weill
Owner of Citigroup
Net Worth: $1.4 billion
Industry: Banking
Success Story:This creator of giant Citigroup, was born in Brooklyn - New York use to gather pennies to achieve his dream. After graduating from Cornell (on scholarship), Weill took a job as a runner for Bear Stearns and studied for his stockbrokers’ licensing exam at night. A few years later, in 1960, he and three friends pooled their savings (an estimated $200,000) to open their own brokerage firm, called “Carter Berlind and Weill.” Two decades of acquisitions later, their Travelers Group was the industry’s second-largest brokerage and in 1998, Travelers Group merged with Citicorp to make what is now known as Citigroup.
5: George Soros
Owner of Quantum Investment Fund
Age: 77
Net Worth: $9 billion
Industry: Finance
Success Story: Born in Hungary, Soros and his parents came to England in 1930. While working as a railway porter and waiter, he got himself through the London School of Economics. Like Sandy Weil, Soros also socked away a few pennies to jump-start his entrepreneurial career. Soros moved to the United States in 1956 and found work at several investment firms, including Arnhold and S. Bleichroeder, where he worked his way up to vice-president of the company. After running several offshore investment funds, he launched his own investment firm with colleague Jim Rogers, which has it has grown into the multibillion-dollar Quantum Fund.
6: J.K. Rowling
Author of “Harry Potter”
Age: 42
Net Worth: $1 billion
Industry: Media/Entertainment
Success Story:Sometimes sheer talent and determination is enough to carve your path to success. As a single mother on welfare in Scotland, Rowling began writing the first Harry Potter novel in Edinburgh cafés whenever she could get her infant daughter to sleep. After being rejected by 12 publishing houses, Bloomsbury, a small publisher in London, offered an advance of 1,500 pounds (about $2,400) even one its editors, Barry Cunningham, advised Rowling to get a day job. The following year, U.S. publishing rights to the first Potter book sold for $105,000. Rowling has since sold nearly 400 million copies worldwide, and is the only author on the Forbes list of the richest people in the world.
7: Kirk Kerkorian
President/CEO of Tracinda Corporation
Age: 90
Net Worth: $16 billion
Industry: Investments
Success Story:Old-fashioned bartering helped put Kirk as the richest person in Los Angeles and rank 41 on the list of richest people of the world. This farmer’s son use to look after famous female aviator Pancho Barnes’ cattle in return for flying lessons in late 1930’s. During World War II, he took a job with the Royal Air Force transporting planes from their Canadian factory to England at $1,000 per month. This job was quiet risky as the planes weren’t designed to withstand the long trip or the harsh weather. With savings from his wartime job, Kerkorian purchased Trans International Airlines for $60,000 in 1947 (with some additional financing.) He later sold it to Transamerica for $104 million in stock and now his private investment firm, Tracinda, now owns 53% of MGM Mirage and is known as the richest person in the Los Angeles.
So guys, don’t give up and keep on working hard, who knows you might also outshine like these business tycoons who once were small business owners.
Posted by David T. Heal
Source : http://www.sohoblog.org/small-business-owners/
Ne vedem la WEBSTOCK

Pregatim un eveniment de o zi, compus pe de o parte dintr-o serie de conferinte si workshop-uri dedicate blogging-ului si fenomenului web 2.0 si pe de alta parte de o ceremonie de premiere a site-urilor din Noul Internet. Practic de dimineata pana dupa amiaza vorbim si ascultam, iar seara petrecem la gala. Avem asadar Webstock si Webstock Awards.
Detalii eveniment
Data: Vineri, 3 octombrie 2008
Locatia: Hotel Howard Johnson, Bucuresti
Structura: Eveniment de o zi ce include conferinte
si workshop-uri despre blogging si web 2.0, urmate
de o gala a celor mai bune proiecte din Noul Internet.
Organizator: Evensys
Partener: Vodafone
Sponsori: LG, Adobe
Inscrieri: www.invita.ro
Feedback: office@ evensys.ro
The Best Damn Web Marketing Checklist, Period!
Marketing a website isn't particularly difficult. It's usually just a matter of knowing what to do, how to do it and having the skills and time to get it done. With that said, marketing a website isn't particularly easy either. There are so many factors and variables in play that at any given time that the job can be quite overwhelming. Obviously I can't address the issue of whether or not you have the skills or time, but I can help you out with the "what to do" piece of the puzzle.
I've always been a lover of checklists, especially when it comes to getting things done. Especially when it comes to remembering what things need to be done! So over the last several years I've been putting together checklists for all kinds of things pertaining to website marketing.
Below is my master website marketing checklist covering over 400 specific items over 23 topics. These topics include things such as website development, SEO, usability, accessibility, etc. This list doesn't cover any "how tos," which are essential ingredients to successful online marketing, but sometimes you need to first know what to do so you can then discover how to do it.
For the sake of brevity, I have kept each check point to its briefest form providing very little explanation. I don't cover why any particular item is included, how important it might be, or what it even means. This is just the checklist in its rawest form.
Over the next couple of weeks I'll provide some additional explanation and insights to the lists below. And since this list is always a work in progress, any additional thoughts and insights are welcome. I'm always adding and removing things as I see fit. Which brings me to one more note: many items are included here based purely on my own preferences and by no means constitute an absolute truth or necessity.
Domain name & URLs (click heading for additional details)
Browser issues (click heading for additional details)
Site logo (click heading for additional details)
Design considerations (click heading for additional details)
Architectural issues (click heading for additional details)
Navigation (click heading for additional details)
Content (click heading for additional details)
Content Appearance (click heading for additional details)
Links and buttons (click heading for additional details)
Home page (click heading for additional details)
About Us page (click heading for additional details)
Contact Us page (click heading for additional details)
E-Commerce considerations (click heading for additional details)
Product pages (click heading for additional details)
Basket page (click heading for additional details)
Mini baskets (click heading for additional details)
Checkout process (click heading for additional details)
Login & My Account pages (click heading for additional details)
Help and FAQ pages (click heading for additional details)
Forms and errors (click heading for additional details)
Site search
Privacy and Security pages
Site map
Stoney deGeyter founded Pole Position Marketing in 1998 working from a home office and has since turned it into a leading search engine marketing business with a small team of seasoned Reno SEO and marketing experts. Stoney pioneered the concept of Destination Search Engine Marketing which is the driving philosophy on how Pole Position marketing helps their clients expand their online presence and improve online conversion rates.
Stoney is a moderator at the Small Business Ideas Forum, a regular contributor to the Search Engine Guide blog and has a monthly column on Search Engine Land. He posts his SEO and business insights at the E-Marketing Performance blog where you can also find his e-books: E-Marketing Performance: Effective Strategies for Building, Optimizing and Marketing your Website Online and Keyword Research and Selection: The Definitive Guide to Gathering, Sorting and Organizing your Keywords into a High-Performance SEO Campaign.
Stoney is married with five wonderful children and, if away from the computer long enough, enjoys riding his dirt bike, watching DVDs, reading books and spending quality and quantity time with the family.
Sursa : http://www.searchengineguide.com
Miliardarii internetului
La inceput, a fost Ideea. Au urmat multe ore de lucru in garaj pentru ca ideea sa se transforme in averi de miliarde de dolari. Din simple proiecte pornite intr-o incapere obscura, s-au nascut companii recunoscute mondial, relateaza Forbes.
34 de inventatori, valoare totala averi de 109.7 miliarde dolari
In noiembrie 2007, o actiune Google era cotata la suma record de 740 dolari, multumita celor doi lideri ai companiei, Sergei Brin si Larry Page.
In urma cu zece ani, cei doi renuntau la scoala in favoarea proiectului care avea sa ii faca miliardari: gigantul motor de cautare Google.
Conform publicatiei Forbes, Sergei are o avere de 18.7 miliarde iar Larry are in conturi 18.6 miliarde dolari.
Pe lista intocmita de publicatia americana se afla si fondatorul site-ului Amazon, Jeffrey Bezos, plasat pe locul al treilea cu o avere de 8,2 miliarde dolari.
In 1999, Marc Benioff era un director executiv bine platit la Oracle (cea mai mare companie de software pentru afaceri din lume). A explicat atunci unui reporter ca ar prefera sa munceasca pentru el insusi decat pentru altcineva. Acum nu numai ca a reusit, dar este el insusi un miliardar, cu ajutorul unei oportunitati neexploatate pana la acea data: afacerile bazate pe relatiile cu clientii.
Solutia gasita de Benioff, Salesforce.com, ofera noi modalitati de a sorta si indexa relatiile cu clientii. Produsul este mai simplu si chiar mai ieftin, furnizat pe internet si ocoleste, desigur, in acest fel, taxele care s-ar fi aplicat instalatiei in sine si intretinerii ei.
In scurt timp de la lansare, portofoliul firmei cuprindea clienti de talie mondiala: Staples, Cisco sau Advanced Micro Devices.
Staples este cel mai mare retailer de produse pentru birou din lume. Compania are vanzari de 27 miliarde dolari si reprezentante in 27 de tari pe glob, inclusiv pe continentul asiatic si in Australia. In iulie 2008, Staples a achizitionat Corporate Express, unul dintre cei mai mari furnizori de produse de birou pentru intreprinderi si institutii.
Conform site-ului www.crystalmind.ro, Cisco (SUA) este lider mondial in domeniul productiei de echipamente de retea, cu o cota de piata ce depaseste 60% si o cifra de afaceri de 25 miliarde dolari in 2005.
Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) este unul dintre marii producatori de microprocesoare, placi de baza si procesoare grafice pentru servere si calculatoare personale.
Forbes a estimat averea lui Benioff la 1,2 miliarde in martie.
Logodnica lui Omidyar (eBay), un colectionar impatimit al ambalajelor de la bomboanele Pez, celebre in SUA pentru forma capacului (un personaj din desene animate), nu putea sa gaseasca un loc de unde sa cumpere sau sa vanda astfel de piese.
De profesie programator, Pierre Omidyar a construit o pagina web numita “eBay” care sa ii confere logodnicei sale o platforma potrivita pentru ceea ce isi dorea.
“eBay a gasit o modalitate prin care sa poata reduce costurile tranzactiilor si a creat o piata de tip low-cost, pe care oamenii nu o putesera utiliza pana in acel moment in scopuri comerciale, spune Andrew Waldeck, partener la firma Innosight, o firma de consultanta specializata in inventii.
Milioane jucarii de plus, precum si cartonase rare cu jucatori de baseball au inceput sa fie scoase la licitatie mai tarziu, transformandu-l pe Omidyar intr-un om extrem de bogat, cu o avere apreciata de revista Forbes la 7.7 miliarde dolari in martie.
Jeffrey Skoll, primul angajat full-time (cu norma intreaga) de la eBay, si totodata primul presedinte al acestui site, avea, in martie, o avere apreciata de Forbes la 3,6 miliarde dolari.
Fostul director executiv de la eBay.com, Meg Whitman, are o avere de 1.3 miliarde dolari.
Profesorul John Sperling a descoperit un public neglijat, concretizat in cei care chiuleau de la cursurile sale. In timp ce preda stiintele umane in statul San Jose, a ajuns la concluzia ca scolile traditionale (si cu un nivel de invatamant ridicat) neglijeau nevoile pe care le simt studentii “mai putin conformisti”. Practic, erau prea putine ore de curs care sa corespunda programului incarcat pe care il au adultii cu slujbe si familie, dar care si-ar fi dorit totusi, sa continue studiile.
In 1976, Sperling a infiintat Universitatea din Phoenix, care este acum o subsidiara pentru Apollo Group.
Prima clasa a avut 8 studenti. In timpul ultimilor 25 de ani, Apollo a anuntat ca a avut 345.000 de studenti care cautau sa obtina licente la institutia sa. Cei mai multi au venit atrasi de internet, unde Apollo tinea cursuri online inca din 1999. Jeff Silber, un analist la BMO Capital Markets, apreciaza ca in jur de 75% dintre studentii Universitatatii Apollo din Phoenix au urmat cursurile online.
Revista americana Forbes apreciaza ca averea lui John Sperling ajungea in martie la 1,7 miliarde dolari. Fiul lui John lucreaza la Apollo si este pe lista alcatuita de Forbes cu miliardari pe internet, avand o avere similara cu cea a parintelui.
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Ludacris feat. Chris Brown and Sean Garrett - What Them Girls Like
Ludacris feat. Chris Brown and Sean Garrett - What Them Girls Like
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Ludacris feat. Chris Brown and Sean Garrett - What Them Girls Like