Shaggy va canta pe plaja Plaja Hotelului REX si afterhour in Bamboo in statiunea Mamaia - Constanta
Shaggy canta pe plaja Plaja Hotelului REX si afterhour in Bamboo in statiunea Mamaia - Constanta
Vineri, 29 August 2008, ora 21:00
Plaja Hotelului REX - Mamaia - Constanta
Dupa un deceniu de muzica, un premiu Grammy, sase albume aclamate, dintre care doua Multi-Platinum, 5 hituri Number 1 si alte 11 pozitionate in Top Ten-urile internationale, superstarul jamaican Shaggy este in continuare pe val. Mai exact, pe valurile Marii Negre… Pe 29 august, litoralul romanesc danseaza alaturi de Mr. Loverman la Mamaia, pe plaja din fata Hotelului Rex. Dupa party pe nisip, afterparty exploziv in Club Bamboo, la final de concert. Spectacolul organizat de Compania Events si Club Bamboo, cu sprijinul Hotelului Rex, va incepe de la ora 22.00.
Shaggy creeaza muzica in numele culturii sale. A fost de la bun inceput un ambasador international pentru miscarea reggae, fiind singurul artist Jamaican in viata care a primit Discul de Diamant. S-a lansat pe piaţa muzicala la inceputul anilor `90, cu un remix al piesei ska "Oh Carolina"; primul sau material reggae dancehall underground a spart toate topurile vremii. Au urmat alte hituri reggae, care l-au propulsat direct in varful ierarhiilor muzicale. Dupa lansarea albumului "Boombastic", un succes mondial, a castigat in 1996 premiul Grammy la categoria "Best Reggae Album".
Pana in prezent Shaggy a vandut peste 20 de milioane de albume, dar artistul nu este satisfacut, stiind ca recordurile nu au farmec daca nu sunt intrecute. 2007 a adus in atentia fanilor din toata lumea "Bonafide Girl" urmat de "Intoxication". Anul 2008 a adus noi provocari pentru Shaggy. La inceputul acestui an, Shaggy a lansat in exclusivitate pe MySpace cel mai nou videoclip al sau, filmat pentru piesa "What's Love". Materialul a fost produs de Hype Williams si in colaborare cu Akon. "What's Love" este al doilea single de pe albumul "Intoxication", lansat de Shaggy in 2007.
Golden Rex (in fata scenei) : 75 RON
Acces general : 55 RON
The World's Happiest Nations
Posted by Donald J. Trump on 8/8/2008 at 10:50 AM
Posted in Success
How happy are you? Not as happy as if you were living in Denmark, apparently.
Denmark is the world’s most content nation, according to a recent study on global well-being. Surprisingly, I think, the United States is way down the happiness list at the Number 16 spot. Researchers at the University of Michigan said Denmark earned the top spot thanks to economic prosperity, stability and democracy.
"I strongly suspect there is a strong correlation between peace and happiness," said Ronald Inglehart, a political scientist at the University of Michigan's Institute for Social Research. "There is also a correlation between democracy and peace. Democracies are less likely to fight each other than non-democracies."
At least the good news is that despite the economy, the housing and credit crises and rising fuel and food prices, we’re all supposedly getting happier. Researchers said that compared to a similar study conducted two decades ago, respondents were much happier.
1. Denmark
2. Puerto Rico
3. Colombia
4. Iceland
5. N. Ireland
6. Republic of Ireland
7. Switzerland
8. Netherlands
9. Canada
10. Austria
1. Zimbabwe
2. Armenia
3. Moldova
4. Belarus
5. Ukraine
6. Albania
7. Iraq
8. Bulgaria
9. Georgia
10. Russia
Donald J. Trump is Chairman of Trump University.
Posted by Donald J. Trump on 8/8/2008 at 10:50 AM
Posted in Success
How happy are you? Not as happy as if you were living in Denmark, apparently.
Denmark is the world’s most content nation, according to a recent study on global well-being. Surprisingly, I think, the United States is way down the happiness list at the Number 16 spot. Researchers at the University of Michigan said Denmark earned the top spot thanks to economic prosperity, stability and democracy.
"I strongly suspect there is a strong correlation between peace and happiness," said Ronald Inglehart, a political scientist at the University of Michigan's Institute for Social Research. "There is also a correlation between democracy and peace. Democracies are less likely to fight each other than non-democracies."
At least the good news is that despite the economy, the housing and credit crises and rising fuel and food prices, we’re all supposedly getting happier. Researchers said that compared to a similar study conducted two decades ago, respondents were much happier.
1. Denmark
2. Puerto Rico
3. Colombia
4. Iceland
5. N. Ireland
6. Republic of Ireland
7. Switzerland
8. Netherlands
9. Canada
10. Austria
1. Zimbabwe
2. Armenia
3. Moldova
4. Belarus
5. Ukraine
6. Albania
7. Iraq
8. Bulgaria
9. Georgia
10. Russia
Donald J. Trump is Chairman of Trump University.
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